

SDH ミックステープ 5"

通常価格 $24.00



SDH ミックステープは、胸部のバインディングや下部のタックを実現する方法です。 M ixtape は、単独で、またはギャフに加えて、下部のタックに使用できます。 SDHM ixtape は耐水性と通気性に優れています。


サイズ:連続長さ5m。幅4インチ。4インチもございます。 幅。

材料: 綿95%、スパンデックス5%、医療グレードのアクリル粘着剤を使用。

Mを包まないでください 胸全体にテープを貼ります

適用および削除の手順を確認できます ここ

コードを使用する SDHMIX 受け取る 10%オフ SDH M を 3 ロール以上購入した場合イクステープ。

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews

Returning customer of about six months now. Quality is consistently good and shipping remains incredibly fast. Good through day to day activities as well as swimming/working out and lasts longer than all other brands I’ve tried.

Amelie Coupland
Cool ppl

They left a card :)

Mirelle Boyd

Works great, awesome support exactly what I need.


Awesome product, so pleased with the results. And it arrived so quickly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️very happy 😊

Did wonders for my chest dysphoria

I personally like to use the chest tape in combination with my binder.
Just to hold my chest in place *not to bind twice* - this saves me having to adjust multiple times through the day and means I’m using a lot less tape than I would relying entirely on chest tape for binding.

I found that watching a video tutorial of someone with the same chest size as me was really helpful and taught me some good techniques to use my tape effectively and minimalise skin tears and irritation.

I have found techniques that work for my body and I’m able to comfortably wear the tape for long periods of time without discomfort.

I do still on occasion experience irritation and skin tears but usually due to carelessness when applying or removing the tape.

Occasionally it does leave sticky residue but it’s not something that personally bothers me.

Do be wary applying if you have a hairy chest, I’d recommend trimming it down so it doesn’t hurt when you take the tape off.

Currently this is the best I’ve felt about my chest and the least dysphoria I’ve experienced in the last 4 years.

My posture has improved over the last couple months since I’m no longer slouching in an attempt to conceal my chest.

Pictured is me before I began taping and was just binding
- shoulders slouched out of habit in an attempt to conceal my chest.
- in need of adjusting my chest, this would happen multiple times a day due to physical movement.

Also pictured is me with minimal taping, just holding my chest in place and a binder
- improved posture and confidence
- flatter appearance and not having to adjust through the day at all