性同一性についてのこの優しく率直な探求は、子供たちに自分自身と他人についてのより完全な理解を与えるでしょう。子どもに優しい言葉遣いと鮮やかなアートで、自分らしくいることが心地いい 若い読者と親に同様に、この重要なトピックを繊細に議論するための語彙を提供します。
発行日: 2019 年 6 月
As a genderqueer parent I have really loved reading this with my kids. It’s a beautiful depiction of diversity and allows them to reflect on their own gender with what story they relate to most. My eldest is very confident in being cisgender, and my youngest changes depending on the day. It’s so healing to see them grow up with the knowledge that gender isn’t binary and that they are accepted and loved for being exactly who they are.
This is the book that I wish had been in my home growing up and that I also wish had been around when my kids were little. With a simple but profound central message - it feels good to be yourself - this book provides an opportunity for families and schools to have easy, open conversations about gender with kids, including cisgender, transgender, non-binary and agender experiences of gender. This is an incredibly positive, affirming book, with strong messages of acceptance, love and support for all children, no matter their experience or expression of gender.