

SDH セキセイインコ パッカー

通常価格 $16.00



SDH Budgie Packer は、ポーチ型の下着にフィットするように作られた軽量フォームインサートパッカーです。

SDH Budgie Packer は、体に直接当てないため、シリコンパッカーよりも多くの空気の流れを可能にします。スポーツ、ジム通い、大規模なナーフゲームなど、汗をかくシーンに最適です。 SDH Budgie Packer は、水分をあまり保持せず、たるみを最小限に抑えるため、水泳にも最適です (SDH によって試行およびテスト済み)。

SDH Budgie Packer は、初めて荷造りをする人や、自分に適していると確信するまで高価なオプションには投資したくない人、または単純なインサートではなく単純なインサートを好む人にとって、優れたパッキング方法です。重量のある解剖学的パッカー。

SDH Budgie Packer は、ボクサーブリーフ、トランクス、ジョックストラップなどのポーチ型下着と併用できます。

長さ: H15cm×W9cm×D5.5cm

素材: 100% ポリエステル



  • ぬるま湯で手洗いしてください

  • 洗濯機で洗わないでください。

ヒント:セキセイインコが目立ちすぎると感じたら、分厚い本で 1 ~ 2 日平らにしてください。


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Perfect for the gym

I use this when I’m at the gym and it’s so much more comfortable when sweaty and moving around a lot compared to a regular silicone packer which I otherwise use. I know it’s not as durable for my jocks but I just pin the top of the insert to the band and it stays in fine. I had definitely forgotten about the instruction not to wash it in a machine so the inner and outer lining has started to peel off - just a heads up for what to expect if you want to risk it and machine wash it (which I’d now advise against). Great, cheap purchase, and not too big at all in my opinion.


Fantastic product. Exactly what it should be. Fantastic service!

Absolutely Gigantic

I tried my hardest to flatten this bad boy out, but it would not budge. I'm 15, 5'5 and pretty small in frame- a man can dream, but it's a completely unrealistic size.
The first time trying it on was pretty surreal, but I wouldn't dare go outside with it.
Good as a first time try, and I appreciate it opening my horizons to packing!

Hey Finn,
Thanks for leaving a review.
If flattening the Budgie packer isn't successful, you can try another method. You just need to grab a sharp pair of scissors, then you can trim the outside of the Budgie which will reduce the overall size.
I'd start by trimming 1cm to start and seeing how you feel, and then you can trim a bit more if needed.
I hope this helps.

Light and easy to handle. Happy with it.

This was really comfortable and because it's so light, I completely forgot about it until I notice in a reflection or I'm looking down and it's always a great surprise.

Since this is the first time I've tried packing and the worries associating with that, it's really helping me figure out whether it's for me or not since it's pretty unobtrusive.